
Books, books and more books…

  • 14th May 2012

This week it is all hands on deck as we concentrate all our efforts on blitzing the work left to do on the thousands of books we have. It is going to be a sad end to the week as our Local Studies Librarian, David, is leaving us for pastures new; so while he is still here we are making the most of his knowledge to get as much done as possible!

So, what exactly is happening?

  • The Local Studies library collections from the Record Office, the History Centre, the City library and the archaeology service are being merged. This is a momentous occasion as it is the first time all of these volumes have been together in one, easily-accessible home.
  • Our special collection library, called the Palfrey Collection is being placed into glass cabinets in our searchroom on the History floor. This extensive collection was bequeathed to the County Council by Alderman H.E.Palfrey, Chairman of the Records Committee; who was crucial in the County Council’s decision to set up its own Record Office in 1947. Compiled over many years the collection boasts a rare selection of antiquarian studies; first edition volumes and books crucial to the study of Worcestershire. These books will be locked in cabinets and will be accessible by requests to a member of staff. This is will be the first time these books have ever been on public display!
  • Each and every book is having its location updated on Talis – our online library catalogue.

  • Each book is being stamped as Reference Only and Local Studies Collection.
  • Minor repair work is taking place. This can include work on drooping spines and torn covers.
  • David, our Local Studies Librarian – working hard to finish everything before he leaves 🙁

    We have already made a huge amount of progress on our library stock since the History Centre moved to The Hive; hopefully after this week the end may be in sight!

    One response to “Books, books and more books…”

    1. Roger Leake says:

      A very welcome step towards the imminent amalgamation of the hitherto fragmented local history library.

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