
Vote for us in the Archive of the Year Awards 2013

  • 8th December 2012

Are you impressed with our new facilities at The Hive? Are you pleased with the assistance you have received and would like to acknowledge a job well done? Voting is now open for the Archive of the Year Awards 2013, run by the Your Family History magazine and we would be thrilled to be nominated.

Here at Worcestershire Archives we are constantly striving to improve our services to our customers and our new location at The Hive has provided us with fantastic new facilities for accessing original archives, surrogate sources and our extensive Local Studies library. We have received a lot of positive feedback from visitors and it is great to hear how well we are doing. Now we would like you to tell other people how happy you are with the service we provide. We are participating in the Archive of the Year awards run by ‘Your Family History’ magazine and we need as many of our users as possible to nominate us for the award.

To vote for us simply go online to and select the Archive of the Year Nomination option. Make sure you state that you are voting for Worcestershire Archive Service in the comments box. Voting closes at the end of December.

We would like to thank all of our users in advance for their support.

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