
Home Front Legacy Day School, 5th September at The Hive

  • 27th August 2015

Home Front Legacy is a national project supporting community groups researching local places associated with the Great War for recording the remains of surviving sites, structures and buildings around Britain. On Saturday,  5th September we are hosting a regional training session for the West Midlands.

The Home Front Legacy website provides tools, guidance and resources for you to carry out archaeological recording and submit your data to your local Historic Environment Record and National Monuments Records to add to our knowledge and inform future protection for sites.

Using the Home Front Legacy Recording toolkit and the resources on the Home Front Legacy website, everyone can help to research and record their local sites and structures and help to safeguard First World War survivals here in Britain. Exploring these remains brings you into closer contact with what our families lived through, and the ways in which the Great War shaped their lives and the places we live today.

You don’t need to be an archaeologist or have experience of fieldwork to take part. You may have an interest in the Home Front, and be researching your family or local area, or involved in a First World War Centenary project.

The Council for British Archaeology invites local community group members, national and local projects and partners to this free day school to find out how to use the Recording toolkit and online app for your project. We would like to thank Council for British Archaeology, Historic England and Worcestershire World War 100 for funding this event.

This day school will:

  • Get you actively involved with the Home Front Legacy 1914-18 project
  • Share the toolkit and resources to use within your own projects, or to start one up
  • Enable you to start discovering your local First World War surviving sites, structures and buildings using online resources
  • Help you connect with your local Historic Environment Record
  • Give you the skills and confidence to share your learning with your community group
  • Provide the forum to share your projects and to meet potential partners
  • The day school will take place on Saturday, 5th September at The Hive, Worcester. Places are free and can be booked online now

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