
The Mystery of Shakespeare’s Marriage & The World of Tudor Worcester

  • 10th February 2016

On Tuesday 16th February we are running a themed behind the scenes tour as part of Love Worcester. We’ll be looking at some of the evidence for Tudor Worcester in our collections and showing you were they are kept, in parts of The Hive you don’t normally get to see.

One of our most famous documents is Shakespeare’s marriage bond, issued when he came to get his marriage license so he could get married to Anne Hathaway without waiting for banns to be read. But is it all that it seems, who is Ann Whateley, and where did the marriage take place?

We’ll also be showing you other documents from the period, including the lovely Clothier’s Charters, and telling the story of Elizabeth I’s visit to Worcester through the record of the City Corporation.

Our archaeologists have dug up various sites which provided evidence for the period. We’ll have some finds which include pieces found in the Lich St dig as well as some replicas which show what new artefacts would have looked like.

The tour starts at 2pm and costs £5. To book please go to We’ll also be repeating it on 23 April, the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death.

If you have any questions please email 

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