
Broadway Dig in Current Archaeology

  • 27th April 2017

Our recent Broadway excavations feature in Current Archaeology Magazine Issue 326, on sale now! There’s a double-page spread featuring a fantastic birds-eye view by Aerial-Cam, shown here with some of the archaeologists who’ve been working on the site. Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service staff from the Broadway excavation and analysis team We’ll be back out on site soon to investigate further on the other side of the stream, but in the meantime post-excavation analysis is well underway: Senior Finds Archaeologist Jane has recorded over 2600 artefacts already, with thousands more to go! We’ll share more finds and stories in the coming months, including more information on the mysterious Beaker – the burial seemingly without a body. The Bronze Age Beaker during excavation in December 2016 Current Archaeology, along with many other magazines and journals, can be found on the shelves to the left of the Explore the Past desk on Level 2 of The Hive. The excavations are funded by the Environment Agency and Worcestershire County Council, to enable flood alleviation works.

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