Starting Family History
- 12th February 2020
We are running another of our 3 part Starting Family History workshops shortly, helping people to begin looking into their family tree.
We regularly get people come to our archive desk and ask us how they can begin their family history. It may be inspired by reminiscing with family members, seeing programmes like Who Do You Think You Are? or having time to start or restart a new hobby. Many of our users are delving into their family’s past and it is fascinating to do.
Sadly there is no simple file on everyone’s family history, so you need to look at different sources to bring the information together, none of which were created for family historians in 2020! Our workshops are aimed at guiding you through these different sources, explaining what they are how to search them. We also look as basic techniques and things to bear in mind, and some of the common reasons why you might not find an ancestors when you look for them. We regularly have people begin family history here, and many of our staff do their own (some of the example documents used belong to our Outreach Manager!) so we are used to helping people with their searching.
The workshops will include time to put what you learn into practice and begin searching with a member of staff on hand to guide and answer questions. As many of the key family history resources are now online we will use computers and attendees should be familiar with using a computer.
The workshop is in 3 parts on Tuesday morning – 25th February, 3rd March & 17th March. It costs £22 and needs to be booked in advance. Please book your place at

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