Online Resources: Archaeology Data Service – read our reports online
- 16th July 2020
Many of our recent archaeological reports can be read online, as can reports by other units working in Worcestershire and for elsewhere in the country. Archaeological Data Service (ADS) is the main digital archive in this country, and you can access it yourself via their website.
As we mention on our website, and when we give talks and tours, excavation needs to be recorded so that the information isn’t lost and others can see what was found. Archaeological investigation is destructive, so it is vital that all the data (report, photos, drawings, plans, opinions) is kept and is available for other people to see and use.
There are many reasons people might want to know more – local people interested in what was found in their community, other archaeologists wanting to compare what was found with other sites/finds, people wanting to use the information as part of other projects, or as part of planning process.
As more and more information is created digitally, it becomes more important to ensure that this digital information isn’t lost. It is a big problem with changing technology and the massive servers required for storage. Archaeology Data Service was created in York in the late 1990s as a specialist data repository. Archaeological reports are uploaded there for safekeeping, and are also accessible by searching their website.
We, like other archaeological units, send our digital archives to ADS. For the past few years it is has been part of the planning process to send them the digital archive. Not only does this help with safekeeping, it also make the information more accessible.
Check out Worcestershire Archaeology reports on ADS and browse over 1000 records. Or have a look to see what we or other archaeologists have done in your area!

Home page for the reports on our archaeological work

Choose one of the records and see the summary

And then read the report
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