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Results related to "find of the month"

  • 21st January 2022
Find Of The Month – September 2021

Temple Laugherne Knight Jug Perhaps one of the most unusual finds from the past two years was this medieval jug which was found during excavations at Temple Laugherne. Anyone at Worcestershire Archaeology Day 2021 will have seen great talks on a variety of subjects. This jug featured in the Fascinating Finds talk. Sometimes we have...

  • 13th August 2021
Find Of The Month – July 2021 – A lovely find from an isolated pit

A small, small-find. You will have seen in previous Finds of The Month posts we have reported on Neolithic/early Bronze Age tools and pottery excavated from our some of quarry sites.  This post is about one of our archaeology team’s smallest, intact small-finds – a beautiful biconical bead. What we found. Firstly, we found a...

  • 16th July 2021
Find Of The Month – June 2021

Find Of The Month is actually finds of the month Two polished stone axe heads found on the same site On one of our regular sites in Staffordshire, our archaeologists found not just one, but two Neolithic polished stone axe heads. It is not that common to find one on a site, so finding two is...

  • 6th May 2021
Find Of The Month – May 2021 – A fabulous fabricator

A flint tool As you may have seen in our blog post for Find Of The Month – April 2021, fragile finds from the Neolithic/Early Bronze Age include tools formed from flint.  This is about a flint known as a “fabricator”. What we found From one of the quarry sites we are working on, our...

  • 30th April 2021
Find of the Month – April 2021 – 6000 year old finds show community life

Not just one find of the month! Every year as spring approaches many of our archaeology teams are out working in quarry sites across the region, monitoring the soil-stripping for forthcoming phases of gravel extraction. Large areas of topsoil are stripped, and it is in these sites that we most often discover archaeology and in...

  • 2nd October 2020
We learn about knapping on the job. Find of the month – June 2020

Look what we found Our archaeology unit was digging in a really small sub-urban area surrounded by agricultural lands in the south of Worcestershire when a sharp-eyed field archaeologist spotted an incredible find …an ancient piece worked flint. You might think that finding a flint shard is not that uncommon and on some sites that...

  • 20th August 2020
Find of the Month – Historic Wall Paintings

This month we have something a bit different to share with you. Whilst our Find of the Month blogs tend to feature interesting archaeological finds discovered by our field team, we also have staff specialised in recording historic buildings. These projects usually take place when a building of historic interest is refurbished, developed or demolished....

  • 19th July 2020
Find of the Month – May 2020 – a tiny Roman coin

A lovely little find where it shouldn’t have been A very small Roman coin found in blackish sandy fill among deposits of occasional pottery sherds. With coinage being quite a commodity, what was it doing there? It’s only a coin You might think that finding a coin might be a regular occurrence on a dig...

  • 27th May 2020
Find of the Month – April 2020 – Corn Exchange Tokens

A chance find brought to the attention of one of our team helping a neighbour that adds to a bold story of Worcester. In April our archaeologists were all working at home, so our Find of the Month is a little different. A Corn Exchange Free entry token.  Described against their example by the British...

  • 27th May 2020
Find of the Month – March 2020 – Spark Plugs

An unusual find from the Worcester Porcelain factory where you would normally think of richly decorated find pottery such as in January’s find of the month, but it tells an interesting WWII story of how a small component made a big difference in our lives. Our archaeologists were working on a site by The Royal...