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Results related to "flood"

  • 21st July 2017
Looking back at the 2007 flooding in Worcestershire

It has now been 10 years since Worcestershire, and much of the country, was hit by severe flooding. June 2007 had already been very wet, with minor flooding, and there were some additional floods early on in July too. On St Swithun’s day (15th July) it rained hard, which tradition suggests may have given some indication...

  • 23rd March 2017
The 1947 Floods

Floods on Hylton Road with the power Station in the background It is 70 years since the 1947 floods, which were some of the worst experienced in Worcestershire and the UK. Floods are a regular natural phenomenon to this area and most people can recall particularly high ones, most recently 2007 and 2014. The 1947...

  • 21st June 2014
Flooding and the Historic Environment in Worcester

Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service has been commissioned by English Heritage to undertake a project aimed at appraising the impact of flooding and flood mitigation on the county’s distinctive and rich historic environment and landscape character. Worcestershire is particularly vulnerable to riverine and rainwater flooding with large areas of the countryside, including numerous historic towns...

  • 16th May 2014
Treasures from Worcestershire’s Past: ~25~ Archaeological investigations on the Kempsey Flood Alleviation Scheme

This week’s Treasure has been chosen by Tom Vaughan, Project Manager for Worcestershire Archaeology. Tom has chosen to highlight a series of finds which were uncovered as a result of archaeological investigations in Kempsey. Here, Tom tells us more about the rich history of this area: In 2011 Worcestershire Archaeology undertook a series of investigations...

  • 2nd May 2012
Flood defences at The Hive

We have just endured the wettest April for 100 years, and many will remember only too clearly the flooding we have experienced in recent years in Worcester; so many of you may be wondering ‘just how well is The Hive protected against the threat of floods’? The landscaped areas surrounding The Hive: When The Hive was in its planning stages,...

  • 26th May 2024
Redditch New Town Archives: Heritage and the ‘Old Town’

This is the fourth and final blog of this Redditch New Town series. In this blog we explore the work the Corporation did to spread the word of the town’s history and the work of one special charity that raised money to enhance and preserve historical sites and recreational areas for all to enjoy. Redditch...

  • 20th February 2024
Redditch New Town Archives: Planning & Design

Planning for a New Town Unlike most other New Towns, Redditch had a rich history, dating from the year 1140 when Cistercian monks founded Bordesley Abbey in the Arrow Valley, through to its more recent industries in needle-making, fish-hooks and motorcycle production. Redditch Development Corporation therefore  had a slightly different task to most. They had...

  • 11th February 2023
A Pilgrimage to Adam Lindsay Gordon’s Cottage

A set of letters, programmes and postcards amongst items being catalogued in our Library Pamphlets collection (which came from Worcestershire History Centre before the service moved to The Hive in 2012) reveals that important local photographer A.J. Woodley (a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society) had a particular interest in the celebrated 19th century poet...

  • 2nd June 2022
HM The Queen’s Visit to Worcestershire 1957

We look back to The Queen's visit to Worcestershire in 1957. Within the archives we have two boxes of documents and correspondence from the Lord Lieutenant about the arrangements, telling the story behind organising a Royal Visit.