Latest news

  • 14th July 2020
Archaeology 50 series

Over the past year we have shared a number of stories about the past 50 years, since James Bond was appointed the first County Archaeologist. They’ve been very popular and people have asked for links for various ones, so we thought we’d bring them together with all the links to the different articles if you...

  • 13th July 2020
The Thinning of the Wildwood?

Fascinating stories are found in the smallest of archaeological clues: charcoal and pollen. Recent analysis of a Bronze Age burial site at Meriden, in the West Midlands, illuminates this prehistoric landscape and the choices made by our ancestors 3,500 years ago. To kick off this blog series, our Environmental Archaeologist, Liz Pearson, sets the scenery...

  • 8th July 2020
Archaeology 50: The Commandery Dig 2005/6

Back in the summers of 2005 and 2006 we ran community digs at The Commandery. As well as it being a great dig, uncovering remains of the 13th century chapel with 15th century extension and some fascinating finds, it was also memorable because around 90 volunteers took part, inspiring some to study archaeology, proving important...

  • 4th July 2020
Family History Questions 1 – 4 July

We know lots of you have been continuing your family history research by taking advantage of Ancestry & Find My Past being available at home, as well as other resources. We’ve had a number of questions, and we thought we’d share a few. Our 80 page pdf guide contains lots of information too, so if...

  • 1st July 2020
Commemorative and Public Art of the 20th Century

Symbolic, reflective, challenging and often controversial, commemorative and public art of the 20th Century is an engaging part of our social, cultural and political landscape. Adding a New Layer: 20th Century Heritage in Worcestershire – Civil Buildings Over the past two years Worcestershire’s Historic Environment Record has been working to identify, record and better understand...

  • 30th June 2020
Archive Enquiries

UPDATE: From September 2020 our enquiry prices returned to normal. The Archive searchroom has now reopened on a limited basis.   As some staff start to return to The Hive we have an update about archive enquries.   During these difficult times a little extra help can go a long way. So, from the 6th...

  • 29th June 2020
Camera Day – Our Digitisation Team Working From Home & Returning

It’s #CameraDay & our digitisation team have some top spec cameras to help photograph the documents, photos & archaeological objects in amazing resolution. This enables them to digitise photos, slides, glass slides and other mediums, some common but some quite rare and specialised. They’ve been working from home, like most of us, over the past...

  • 25th June 2020
Online Resources: WAAS on the Radio – One Tree Hill

This week’s online resource is a bit different. Instead of an index or catalogue we thought we’d share a radio programme we feature on which is still online and available to listen or even download – Radio 4’s Open Country programme on Whittington Tump. Last summer we were approached by Karen Gregor, producer of Open...