Latest news

  • 5th October 2019
Battle of Worcester Discoveries – Worcestershire Archaeology Day 2019

On 3rd September this year, 368 years to the day of the Battle of Worcester, we were part of a publicity day informing the media about the discoveries we’d made as part of the Southern Link Road Project with Alun Griffiths’ construction team. We showed off some of the finds, including Civil War musket shots...

  • 4th October 2019
The History of Rowing in Worcestershire

Using local newspapers Dr Frank Gilligain has discovered some fascinating facts about the history of rowing within the county. Everyone knows about the success of Worcester County Cricket Club and has enjoyed a day out at the races at Pitchcroft but did you know that Worcestershire has had a long and varied sporting history?  ...

  • 1st October 2019
Birmingham Buttons – Find of the month

We went looking for a Roman Road and all we found were buttons! In a scruffy corner of an old sports field in Perry Barr, RPS Group asked us to dig some trenches to look for remains of a Roman Road which once passed beneath the proposed location of a new school. There was little...

  • 26th September 2019
Setting up a rescue excavation unit, 1973-75

The second in our series of memories from former County Archaeologists, marking 50 years since Worcestershire’s first was appointed. Alan Hunt succeeded James Bond and was Worcestershire’s second County Archaeologist.   I joined what is now Worcestershire Archaeology as a field officer in 1973 and became County Archaeologist in 1974. My main role was to...

  • 18th September 2019
Recording a Time Capsule – Volunteer Opportunities & Training

We need your help! The Market Gardening Heritage Project is looking for volunteers to help record fascinating stories and preserve an important chapter in the Vale of Evesham’s history. Training workshops are coming up in the next few weeks, so do get in touch if you’re interested.  Archiving a Time Capsule  One day Edgar Wheeler,...

  • 15th September 2019
Ruardean Hill Excavation Open Day

Sunday 22nd September, 10.30am – 3.30pm Another year, another community excavation for the Foresters’ Forest project. This time we’re exploring a Roman enclosure at Ruardean Hill in the Forest of Dean, which initial investigations suggest may be a small fortlet. Come along and see what we’ve discovered at the Open Day on Sunday 22nd September, when...

  • 3rd September 2019
Uncovering the Battle of Worcester

On the 3rd September 1651 the last battle of the Civil War raged in Worcester. Over 360 years later, ammunition, fixtures and fittings are coming to light from that fatal clashing of armies and beliefs. But how do you find the ephemeral archaeology of a battlefield, events of a single day in history? This is...

  • 30th August 2019
50 Years of Digging

The part of the archaeological service most people think about is the digging, although as we stress on our blog this is only part of the story and we share stories from other parts of the service. We’ll share about the Historic Environment Record soon, but thought we’d look first at the Field Section part...

  • 23rd August 2019
Autumn 2019 events

Our autumn events programme will be starting shortly. You can download our leaflet here. WAAS Events Autumn 2019 and we’ve images below. We’re repeating many of our popular workshops for helping you get started with family, house or local history. We’ll have another couple of tours too where you can come behind the scenes. There are...