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Results related to "charles archive"

  • 25th June 2018
The Charles Archive: An Animal Attraction at Abbey Park, Redditch

This is the fifth in a series of blog posts celebrating the life and work of timber-frame building specialists F.W.B ‘Freddie’ and Mary Charles. Funded by Historic England, the ‘Charles Archive’ project aims to digitise and make more accessible the Charles Archive collection. In this piece we look at a rather unexpected report found in...

  • 9th April 2018
The Charles Archive: Saving Bromsgrove

This is the third in a series of blog posts celebrating the life and work of timber-frame building specialists FWB ‘Freddie’ and Mary Charles. Funded by Historic England, the ‘Charles Archive’ project aims to digitise and make more accessible the Charles collection.   Freddie Charles found himself teaching architecture at the University of Birmingham after...

  • 17th January 2018
Cataloguing and Digitising the Charles Archive

This month we are taking a look at an exciting new project to catalogue and make available the records or practice archive of the Worcester firm of architects and timber-frame building specialists FWB and Mary Charles.   F.W.B. “Freddie” Charles (1912-2002) was an architect and expert on the conservation and repair of timber-framed buildings. Freddie...

  • 18th May 2022
Archives 75 – My Favourite Archive

Here in the archives we have 12 miles of shelves of archives covering 900 years. When we opened in the Shire Hall in 1947 deposit number 1 was Worcestershire Quarter Sessions (a combination of a local court and forerunner to the County Council, having a role overseeing roads and bridges). We’ve recently received deposit number...

  • 13th April 2022
Archives 75 – Tony Wherry, Second County Archivist

Tony Wherry stepped into the big shoes of Harry Sargeant to become the second County Archivist in 1976. Whilst he was in charge the new building at County Hall was opened, and St Helen’s branch closed, with Worcestershire History Centre opening. 2022 sees the 75th anniversary of the creation of Worcestershire Record Office, which merged with...

  • 8th August 2019
Worcestershire Libraries in the Archives

Books are not only vital for education, but provide much needed recreation and mental well-being for people from all walks of life, and for many the best and easiest means of access is still through their local library. But the ease of access to books we enjoy today was not always the case and that...