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Results related to "flood"

  • 30th October 2017
The mystery of the empty grave…

In the second of our Halloween inspired blog posts we take a look at a recent site which produced a grave that was seemingly missing a body! During late 2016 and early 2017 a team from Worcestershire Archaeology carried out one of the largest excavations in their history in connection with the creation of a...

  • 26th September 2017
Countryside Stewardship: Farming the Past, in the Present, for the Future

  Archaeology is not just about getting muddy and digging holes! Worcestershire’s archaeologists undertake a wide variety of tasks that help to conserve, through proactive management, the county’s historic environment. One way in which we do this is by supporting farmers and landowners who are looking to manage and conserve archaeological and historic features through...

  • 27th April 2017
Broadway Dig in Current Archaeology

Our recent Broadway excavations feature in Current Archaeology Magazine Issue 326, on sale now! There’s a double-page spread featuring a fantastic birds-eye view by Aerial-Cam, shown here with some of the archaeologists who’ve been working on the site. Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service staff from the Broadway excavation and analysis team We’ll be back out on site soon...

  • 11th November 2016
Open days at Broadway Dig

UPDATE 20/11/2016: Unfortunately the weather forecast is absolutely horrendous for tomorrow, so we’ve decided to postpone the site tours. The site is very exposed and ground conditions are likely to be treacherous. Besides being unsafe, there’s not going to be much to see (unless you’re particularly keen on puddles) until the rain passes. We’ll re-arrange...

  • 10th October 2014
Worcestershire Archaeology Dayschool 2014

Our popular annual Archaeology Dayschool will take place on Saturday 15th November. Once again there will be a full programme of talks from our staff and guest speaker, covering a range of archaeological topics. Many of these are current or recent projects so you can find out about some of the latest research. Topics covered...

  • 18th July 2014
Treasures of Worcestershire’s Past: ~34~ Bayton Colliery

This week’s Treasure has been chosen by Tom Rogers, Archaeological Project Manager. Here he explains more about Bayton Colliery and its history In the corner of a pasture field near the pretty village of Bayton, four low, concrete pillars stand, overgrown by hawthorn and used by cows for shelter. It would be easy to walk past without a glance or...

  • 3rd September 2013
Discovery of 5,000 year old skull on the banks of the Avon

Worcestershire Archaeology have featured in the news recently following the discovery of a human skull. Here Nick Daffern, Senior Environmental Archaeologist, tells us more about the processes taken to identify the find: “On 20th March 2013 West Mercia Police were contacted by a member of the public. They had discovered what appeared to be a...

  • 6th August 2013
Mapping small wetlands in Worcestershire: the results

Wandering around the Worcestershire countryside for any length of time is likely to take you past small wetlands of varying descriptions – fishponds, moats, mill leats, osiers, marsh and reed beds and other boggy areas which were once river or stream channels. In a recent post we introduced a project which maps and assesses small wetlands...